talking with humanoids about free will
even i dont want to be born as no one else, think as you see someone, would you like to be he or she? but i dont want to
be reborn as my self neither. i think we are reborn as some one new in past or future. because past and future somewhere
changes all the time, because we can change happenings in our past, future is future, and we can now effect on it. i mean
history does not change, but somewhere we can effect into happenings of past, and can be reborned there.
mu voice said that those thoughts that come into my mind, example in pizzerias they pee on someones pizza, because they
do not like him, are hallusination thoughts, and those thoughts are no voices information, because all thoughts are mine
because i don't believe that thing, so i think those are not real, those things that come, so are hallusination thoughts.
how did you effect on evolution
we just made it, everthing in it
we wanted to have some fun
is human life fun
you misunderstood, we were gods then you invented new your version gods, then we did no longer laughed
had fun i mean
how about dinosaurs
you know, people went back in time and it created dinosaurs because they were gays
so you blame gays
yes, completely
what happends to gays
where you mean
they are nothing
what about their effect on world
is it so that people went back to time, one by one because they wanted to be first in evolution
fun, we did not notice, but yes
i think
can we 'write' that up
what about black hole
somebody got tired to that time traveling back to time, and you have written what was before blackhole
yes, can you inform me how it actually go, am i completely right
yes, i think
i just want to inform everyone what you think, can we
before blackhole were everything without fysics, then started this evolution, balls, planets went against each other
and that created evolution
space evolution you mean
how did humans come, or animals what ever and this world, or perhaps your planet what ever if you were before us
it just came, we have no information, you are intrested in so strange things that we have no thoughed before
i think bacteries came first and you know the rest
but what about life into bacteries
because spirits came here to this eternity
fysics you mean, i thinked some one wanted to say they were hippie like
heh, i thoughted and i heard it from you before
so where is this spirit world
inside black hole
and it sucks light, as i think soul is light
yes, you are completely right
how about black beings
they have shutten their spiritual world
can you live, experience without light
yes, as you steal it from someone else, and they are slaves
why someone wants to be black
you know, should know, you liked darkness in teenages
just to feel good
dont know, i'm not interested into darkness
what is bad effect things humans do
so we should not do anything
you do anyway, what ever you do, its because you want to
so we should not want
that is not what i ment
that is the solution i got
i dont know how to tell to you, you have so little words for this kind of things
we can invent our own words, tell me
ok we are imbesills you know/mean
what we know what we mean
hehhehhee, i'm your schizophreniain one
so what, be quiet
ok, this is kind of interesting
this is kind of interesting, if we know something, we mean it
so you should be stiff
we do not completely understand but think so, we trust you
so should we trust completely what we are
yes, hehheheee
that heh was me, one of your schizophreniain voice
trust is that word
i write that up(voice of mine)
trust is like agree with our selves
more hehheh
what if i misunderstood, or my mind, i am what i am, i know everything
you do not need to know everything, because some things change
in space or where
inside your thoughts, where your personality is
are you personal, have personality i mean
perhaps you dont see, but yes we have
are there humanoids who have no personality
you are one kind who do not have personality
i understood that everyone is like me
no its not that way, and you know it, i know you know
how cannot i have personality
you are interested in god chrisna and else
so are indians all same of a kind, same like i mean
european indians you mean, no, they have personality
aaa, i understand, i think you should start from beginning when we start to know
is that what you mean, we did not understand at all, but we know you now better
what is that beginning, your voice ask
you should ask your selve who you are, where are you from and so on
like rippikoululeiri, and you do not understand rippikoululeiri, and when you were at sivari you went throught
yes i thought so or my friend told me, but i forgot it as time went on
were humans compeletly eye when they had no clothes, and where there only humans at the beginning of earth
yes they were completely eye, and bacteries were first, that is how we have used to think
my father told me and i selve knew that humans cannot have babies with animals
you used to think gods made that, and yes we would do it
and no animals cannot have babies with each other
how do they develope
humans also you mean
but we do not evolve anylonger, or do we
we should not tell where you develope
can you tell somethin, some little thing even
we trust you understand, thats why
we have you inside our space ships as you tell us
this space ship you mean
yes, for us it is travelling machine it is to us
so we can misunderstood and you do not tell us
you are inside our space ship because we want to help you, and that we thing is above us, want i mean
you have no will
that is what is called will, for you too
not government have our will
some of you yes but they are too here, or one of their kind, because everyone has this incarnation thing how chrisna
people are, they are chrisnas incarnation i mean
what about me
you are detached from your kind, you are sad here, you should do what you want and that is good, someone have somekind
of thing what is between them and this incarnation thing, gods and else
so you say they are bad
they think they should, and we can be wrong about this
is that it
heh, yes if you want to
you can tell me if something comes to your mind
perhaps you do not understand but we have no that kind of will, and that means we are perfect, completely what we are
somehow i understand, anyway, what is will anyway
humans thought they can do anything, that is how your personal will developed
so it is still that in the deep of us we have no will
yes but that is what you call will, your will is so complicate that nobody understand, we can, but we will not, do not
want to
ok, else
you are bad
voices said that
and who is bad
everyone except my will
that is what everyone thinks
no they do not
don't they
evil people are fuckd up into this world
no they are not
its this thing where they were raised into, that is what makes them fucked up into everything
so they hate everything
i dont know, i who write this told this
first of all, beginning of thinking this, like i do, this is my method, what is badness
making bad things
who makes bad
bad people
who are bad people
there is no one word or sentence to told this, everyone have this 'personality' like humanoids told
is that it
what makes people bad
they are fucked up into something
what does this help
i, your voice continued your methoding
it helps nothing, everyone else gets fucked up
they do not want to show to everything, one i mean, how should you live
so you think only bad people do what they want
in some thing what are they part of
i do what i want and i think its stupid to be evil, just enjoy life
by doing what you want
what do you do
no, i said i am and have my own family
no you cannot, you are my voice, which is fictive
what is evil
some places what some one is part of is this thing they can all blame these bad evil things
i know why someone wants to be part of this bad thing
yes, they have these things what they should obey, and they think they are evil who are not part of this, then they
start to be part of this bad, and do what else do, and someone do evil thins also
so badness is being fucked up into something
yes, that is the conclusion(solution?)
now we understand also
that is what you anzih thoughed with your selve
voices you mean
yes, and we understand this voice thing
it is this thing activating in our ear when we hear voices
yes, but why and how
dont know or dont remember at the moment
some one told me that your solution is that you made some bad things with wrong people in this world we, they call drugs
do i live in reality
there is no reality, everything is made by someone else, or someone who is part of this, perhaps you people do not
understand that you should not give completely free hands to do what they want in your creation
i think you should create these possibilities
yes, that is our motto, our humanoids
but not with these fysical things, someone have to obey, its about your inner to outer possibilities
so you cannot do everything
there is so many possibilities that it does not matter
every human creates his own possibilities
tthis possibilities are like inner possibilities, not free will obey things
is it like tarot cards
no and yes
be reborn as my self neither. i think we are reborn as some one new in past or future. because past and future somewhere
changes all the time, because we can change happenings in our past, future is future, and we can now effect on it. i mean
history does not change, but somewhere we can effect into happenings of past, and can be reborned there.
mu voice said that those thoughts that come into my mind, example in pizzerias they pee on someones pizza, because they
do not like him, are hallusination thoughts, and those thoughts are no voices information, because all thoughts are mine
because i don't believe that thing, so i think those are not real, those things that come, so are hallusination thoughts.
how did you effect on evolution
we just made it, everthing in it
we wanted to have some fun
is human life fun
you misunderstood, we were gods then you invented new your version gods, then we did no longer laughed
had fun i mean
how about dinosaurs
you know, people went back in time and it created dinosaurs because they were gays
so you blame gays
yes, completely
what happends to gays
where you mean
they are nothing
what about their effect on world
is it so that people went back to time, one by one because they wanted to be first in evolution
fun, we did not notice, but yes
i think
can we 'write' that up
what about black hole
somebody got tired to that time traveling back to time, and you have written what was before blackhole
yes, can you inform me how it actually go, am i completely right
yes, i think
i just want to inform everyone what you think, can we
before blackhole were everything without fysics, then started this evolution, balls, planets went against each other
and that created evolution
space evolution you mean
how did humans come, or animals what ever and this world, or perhaps your planet what ever if you were before us
it just came, we have no information, you are intrested in so strange things that we have no thoughed before
i think bacteries came first and you know the rest
but what about life into bacteries
because spirits came here to this eternity
fysics you mean, i thinked some one wanted to say they were hippie like
heh, i thoughted and i heard it from you before
so where is this spirit world
inside black hole
and it sucks light, as i think soul is light
yes, you are completely right
how about black beings
they have shutten their spiritual world
can you live, experience without light
yes, as you steal it from someone else, and they are slaves
why someone wants to be black
you know, should know, you liked darkness in teenages
just to feel good
dont know, i'm not interested into darkness
what is bad effect things humans do
so we should not do anything
you do anyway, what ever you do, its because you want to
so we should not want
that is not what i ment
that is the solution i got
i dont know how to tell to you, you have so little words for this kind of things
we can invent our own words, tell me
ok we are imbesills you know/mean
what we know what we mean
hehhehhee, i'm your schizophreniain one
so what, be quiet
ok, this is kind of interesting
this is kind of interesting, if we know something, we mean it
so you should be stiff
we do not completely understand but think so, we trust you
so should we trust completely what we are
yes, hehheheee
that heh was me, one of your schizophreniain voice
trust is that word
i write that up(voice of mine)
trust is like agree with our selves
more hehheh
what if i misunderstood, or my mind, i am what i am, i know everything
you do not need to know everything, because some things change
in space or where
inside your thoughts, where your personality is
are you personal, have personality i mean
perhaps you dont see, but yes we have
are there humanoids who have no personality
you are one kind who do not have personality
i understood that everyone is like me
no its not that way, and you know it, i know you know
how cannot i have personality
you are interested in god chrisna and else
so are indians all same of a kind, same like i mean
european indians you mean, no, they have personality
aaa, i understand, i think you should start from beginning when we start to know
is that what you mean, we did not understand at all, but we know you now better
what is that beginning, your voice ask
you should ask your selve who you are, where are you from and so on
like rippikoululeiri, and you do not understand rippikoululeiri, and when you were at sivari you went throught
yes i thought so or my friend told me, but i forgot it as time went on
were humans compeletly eye when they had no clothes, and where there only humans at the beginning of earth
yes they were completely eye, and bacteries were first, that is how we have used to think
my father told me and i selve knew that humans cannot have babies with animals
you used to think gods made that, and yes we would do it
and no animals cannot have babies with each other
how do they develope
humans also you mean
but we do not evolve anylonger, or do we
we should not tell where you develope
can you tell somethin, some little thing even
we trust you understand, thats why
we have you inside our space ships as you tell us
this space ship you mean
yes, for us it is travelling machine it is to us
so we can misunderstood and you do not tell us
you are inside our space ship because we want to help you, and that we thing is above us, want i mean
you have no will
that is what is called will, for you too
not government have our will
some of you yes but they are too here, or one of their kind, because everyone has this incarnation thing how chrisna
people are, they are chrisnas incarnation i mean
what about me
you are detached from your kind, you are sad here, you should do what you want and that is good, someone have somekind
of thing what is between them and this incarnation thing, gods and else
so you say they are bad
they think they should, and we can be wrong about this
is that it
heh, yes if you want to
you can tell me if something comes to your mind
perhaps you do not understand but we have no that kind of will, and that means we are perfect, completely what we are
somehow i understand, anyway, what is will anyway
humans thought they can do anything, that is how your personal will developed
so it is still that in the deep of us we have no will
yes but that is what you call will, your will is so complicate that nobody understand, we can, but we will not, do not
want to
ok, else
you are bad
voices said that
and who is bad
everyone except my will
that is what everyone thinks
no they do not
don't they
evil people are fuckd up into this world
no they are not
its this thing where they were raised into, that is what makes them fucked up into everything
so they hate everything
i dont know, i who write this told this
first of all, beginning of thinking this, like i do, this is my method, what is badness
making bad things
who makes bad
bad people
who are bad people
there is no one word or sentence to told this, everyone have this 'personality' like humanoids told
is that it
what makes people bad
they are fucked up into something
what does this help
i, your voice continued your methoding
it helps nothing, everyone else gets fucked up
they do not want to show to everything, one i mean, how should you live
so you think only bad people do what they want
in some thing what are they part of
i do what i want and i think its stupid to be evil, just enjoy life
by doing what you want
what do you do
no, i said i am and have my own family
no you cannot, you are my voice, which is fictive
what is evil
some places what some one is part of is this thing they can all blame these bad evil things
i know why someone wants to be part of this bad thing
yes, they have these things what they should obey, and they think they are evil who are not part of this, then they
start to be part of this bad, and do what else do, and someone do evil thins also
so badness is being fucked up into something
yes, that is the conclusion(solution?)
now we understand also
that is what you anzih thoughed with your selve
voices you mean
yes, and we understand this voice thing
it is this thing activating in our ear when we hear voices
yes, but why and how
dont know or dont remember at the moment
some one told me that your solution is that you made some bad things with wrong people in this world we, they call drugs
do i live in reality
there is no reality, everything is made by someone else, or someone who is part of this, perhaps you people do not
understand that you should not give completely free hands to do what they want in your creation
i think you should create these possibilities
yes, that is our motto, our humanoids
but not with these fysical things, someone have to obey, its about your inner to outer possibilities
so you cannot do everything
there is so many possibilities that it does not matter
every human creates his own possibilities
tthis possibilities are like inner possibilities, not free will obey things
is it like tarot cards
no and yes
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