this address is where they inform you when blogs are updated
mun toinen blogi (suomeksi):
another blog of mine (finnish):
i'm not guru or drug user to write these texts, i'm schizophrenic. schizophrenia is gift in european india, or they are
holy. in middle ages they were after schiphrenic until(?) carmelites(i'm not sure) protected schizophrenic because 2 of
them were schizophrenic (and i think that those times were not known mental diseaces, makes it strange.) and later they
were told to be holy. i told european india that none of you mix that land and people as american india.
you can write messages down there, it would be nice.
if you read from texts direct from link, you do not see all, press 'lue lisää' on the right to view more.
(mulle, to me) merkkaa tämän alapuolelle numero, ota tämä ylemmät silti mukaan julkaistavaksi: aloita kirjoittaminen
myöhemmin tästä. kopioi & liitä silti ylhäältä.
start reading/writing from here:
- number here, numero tähän, release upper, julkaise ylemmät.
what is that place from where we are reincarnated, where we are eternal
its another side
in more detail please
your soul remains in grave
in multiple graves
i dont understand your question
probably because you born sometimes from where you are into another place, earth perhaps
so you ask where are your birth place
something like that
its in multiple place
from where we are from and other soulfull beings
one of my voices said, only religious people can be satanists, they want to do anything the will, because we pagans do
anyway what we want, because religious have these rules.
myth o logic, its a logic because as in some pagan cultures when sun went down, it went to sleep, it effects in our mind
because we goto sleep, and there is these begin eggs, don't know their effect into our mind.
you are miracle man if you need to, it comes to your mind if you need it, you cannot fake it. you just should answer to
your questions in your own way, no matter are they correct, because it is imagination, you have your own world, and you
can develope these questions. sorry, that is miracle man or woman, so should i say miracle human. so just be an artist.
perhaps you get into your own flow, its imaginations, questions sound like little child asks, but adult does not seem
to realise how good questions there is, its a way to big answers, you realize when you get it.
humans, as in human body, humanoids does not let us into space, because they have this thing, free will, you could say
that is chaos. humanoids have correct minds so it does not effect bad way to space. but im not going to let go of mine
free will, i think, perhaps you can have if you are correct to be freeminded without chaos, dunno. i think you should
introduce your self to myth o logic rather than science. it has same answers different way, if you understand it.
perhaps you can get perfect answers with any idea of myth o logy or some sort, our science is not perfect, yet. and
that is the way to get into space? perhaps any ideo logic gets you perfect. if it answers into our needs, you can put
your own answers to questions that is not there yet, and it develops us. we have all the answers, our free will, chaos
ruins those. its like these indian men monks are intrested in science. i hope we can answer unknown science questions
with myth o logic. i think those indian monks who silence their mind, has perfect body and mind, they do not mix them
selves in space with free will and chaos, i have also done it, because i have schizophrenia, it annoyed me, my voices
said all things about my thoughts*. i think you should not force yourself to answer to your own questions, but if you
are intrested, its not force to think those.
*and memories
light in bursting machine
what kind of light
infinite light
what is that
a star
put star in bursting machine, how
you just put it there
you do not understand?
like this *shows* (and i do not see)
is that what you call it
its time
put light in laser
what light
its so simple
sometimes things are not that hard as they seem
where is that laser coming and pointing
it comes from that machine (and i do not see)
where does it point
a star
there far away
goes it go towards what laser points or viceverse
how fast
infinite time
how do you travel time
point laser towards target
i do not believe
its so hard to explain because we are now so simple, machine thinks all thoughts
how do you make children
put them in machine
copy them
do you not develop
we can develope our selves
be what you want
dont you have sex
waste of time
any feelings
only when someone hurts inside
hears what we said
feel you said
yes, we feel with hearing
does it have something to do with it that you can hear and say without moving your lips braintalking or something
yes, everything
you can think everything, if it does not work, it does not happend, if you can think of things way universe understand
be scientist or something
this address is where they inform you when blogs are updated
mun toinen blogi (suomeksi):
another blog of mine (finnish):
i'm not guru or drug user to write these texts, i'm schizophrenic. schizophrenia is gift in european india, or they are
holy. in middle ages they were after schiphrenic until(?) carmelites(i'm not sure) protected schizophrenic because 2 of
them were schizophrenic (and i think that those times were not known mental diseaces, makes it strange.) and later they
were told to be holy. i told european india that none of you mix that land and people as american india.
you can write messages down there, it would be nice.
if you read from texts direct from link, you do not see all, press 'lue lisää' on the right to view more.
(mulle, to me) merkkaa tämän alapuolelle numero, ota tämä ylemmät silti mukaan julkaistavaksi: aloita kirjoittaminen
myöhemmin tästä. kopioi & liitä silti ylhäältä.
start reading/writing from here:
- number here, numero tähän, release upper, julkaise ylemmät.
what is that place from where we are reincarnated, where we are eternal
its another side
in more detail please
your soul remains in grave
in multiple graves
i dont understand your question
probably because you born sometimes from where you are into another place, earth perhaps
so you ask where are your birth place
something like that
its in multiple place
from where we are from and other soulfull beings
one of my voices said, only religious people can be satanists, they want to do anything the will, because we pagans do
anyway what we want, because religious have these rules.
myth o logic, its a logic because as in some pagan cultures when sun went down, it went to sleep, it effects in our mind
because we goto sleep, and there is these begin eggs, don't know their effect into our mind.
you are miracle man if you need to, it comes to your mind if you need it, you cannot fake it. you just should answer to
your questions in your own way, no matter are they correct, because it is imagination, you have your own world, and you
can develope these questions. sorry, that is miracle man or woman, so should i say miracle human. so just be an artist.
perhaps you get into your own flow, its imaginations, questions sound like little child asks, but adult does not seem
to realise how good questions there is, its a way to big answers, you realize when you get it.
humans, as in human body, humanoids does not let us into space, because they have this thing, free will, you could say
that is chaos. humanoids have correct minds so it does not effect bad way to space. but im not going to let go of mine
free will, i think, perhaps you can have if you are correct to be freeminded without chaos, dunno. i think you should
introduce your self to myth o logic rather than science. it has same answers different way, if you understand it.
perhaps you can get perfect answers with any idea of myth o logy or some sort, our science is not perfect, yet. and
that is the way to get into space? perhaps any ideo logic gets you perfect. if it answers into our needs, you can put
your own answers to questions that is not there yet, and it develops us. we have all the answers, our free will, chaos
ruins those. its like these indian men monks are intrested in science. i hope we can answer unknown science questions
with myth o logic. i think those indian monks who silence their mind, has perfect body and mind, they do not mix them
selves in space with free will and chaos, i have also done it, because i have schizophrenia, it annoyed me, my voices
said all things about my thoughts*. i think you should not force yourself to answer to your own questions, but if you
are intrested, its not force to think those.
*and memories
light in bursting machine
what kind of light
infinite light
what is that
a star
put star in bursting machine, how
you just put it there
you do not understand?
like this *shows* (and i do not see)
is that what you call it
its time
put light in laser
what light
its so simple
sometimes things are not that hard as they seem
where is that laser coming and pointing
it comes from that machine (and i do not see)
where does it point
a star
there far away
goes it go towards what laser points or viceverse
how fast
infinite time
how do you travel time
point laser towards target
i do not believe
its so hard to explain because we are now so simple, machine thinks all thoughts
how do you make children
put them in machine
copy them
do you not develop
we can develope our selves
be what you want
dont you have sex
waste of time
any feelings
only when someone hurts inside
hears what we said
feel you said
yes, we feel with hearing
does it have something to do with it that you can hear and say without moving your lips braintalking or something
yes, everything
you can think everything, if it does not work, it does not happend, if you can think of things way universe understand
be scientist or something
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