unpacking word into letters

unpacking word into letters
waste to write because no one reads because google+ was taken away? can some of you who reads this spread this blog?
(i still write for a while, if more readers come.)

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mun toinen blogi (suomeksi):
another blog of mine (finnish):

i'm not guru or drug user to write these texts, i'm schizophrenic. schizophrenia is gift in european india, or they are
holy. in middle ages they were after schiphrenic until(?) carmelites(i'm not sure) protected schizophrenic because 2 of
them were schizophrenic (and i think that those times were not known mental diseaces, makes it strange.) and later they
were told to be holy. i told european india that none of you mix that land and people as american india.

(mulle, to me) merkkaa tämän alapuolelle numero, ota tämä ylemmät silti mukaan julkaistavaksi: aloita kirjoittaminen
myöhemmin tästä. kopioi & liitä silti ylhäältä.
release upper
start reading/writing from here:

i think we should not know all of the information, wise information i mean, we should get into contact with it, or somehow
and give answer to any given question. and as i told you before, you can cheat your memory, its like there is something
or someone trying to annoy you to not to remember all the things. as i remember somethings by not to know or remember
where i know how it goes. i think alcohol and drugs does not make you mix up things, it takes you to know some otherways.
ive sometimes noticed that some one does not want you to remember his or hers things, then you should forget that dude.
but i still do not know why we do not remember somethings that has nothing to do with no one, do some people hold this
information, dude who invented this thing?

i think you should unpack letters and words into pieces your own way and pack again your own way, here is how i unpack
them my way. before you read this, perhaps you should try to make sense your way how you understand your letters. you
shoud feel, think or listen what one letter is like, i can give you an example, but to you it can be different. X = when
something goes broken, floor that sounds to me. perhaps these are somehow finnish understanding.
    ok now, this is MY way.
perhaps you should make your own way. after this you should pack them into new way. i think you should introduce yourself
to one man, bock ior, he is finnish but he translates swedish words into pieces another way, i did not know him anyway
when i started to introduce myself into my words, and i dont know where these letters come from. i think behind all
letters is your own way to unpack them. its like we here in finland call finnish swedish ruotsi, bock ior translated
it as root-sing. because he thinks in his family that sweden is root of all languages, and sing because they sound sing
their speaking. after this, like i told, you should pack them, i have certain letters what i make words. as you probably
noticed, there is certain letters what comes, they do not come into all letter after unpacking. letters have also
meaning what they remind you of. i do not know can i give you answer how i pack them, there is so many, still there is
certain letter combinations.

there is only way to be miracle man, magic man what ever, perfect, knows how to cure everything, i cannot tell the way
because you should know it your    self. it means we know what to do when necessary, or say when needed.

(by the doors)
Wake up!
You can't remember where it was
Has this dream stopped?
The snake was pale gold
Glazed and shrunken
We were afraid to touch it
The sheets were hot dead prisons
And she was beside me, old,
She's, no; young.
He dark red hair
Her white soft skin
Now, run to the mirror in the bathroom,
She's coming in here.
I can't live thru each slow century of her moving
I let my cheek slide down
The cool smooth tile
Feel the good cold stinging blood
The smooth hissing snakes of rain...

life is just a game we play, its just not same game for all of us.

if life is movie, it is adjusted by humanoids genes dna and karma, don't know what is difference between genes and dna

normally when i read about descending or ascending into another level, i think its too gurulike for me to understand, now
i want to understand that it is simple, but i dont know what should i do. is it that i think its about a planets and
as i think that, i see planet, is that it, or should i feel or something, any suggestions, feel free to answer. i've
tried brainwave generator and schumann resonance in it, got nothing, i also tried i-doser cannabis, it worked. perhaps
i just should be fool and think what i think as i think of ascending and meditate? lets call it fools-meditating, hahhah
i mean not to wait something, miracle or something, that i cannot as i firstly thinked. in brainwave generator is some
sort of viruslike thing and antivirus program alarms and destroys whole .exe (cutable) file.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

extra sencory, im writing a text, this is small part of it

get contact

are they mushrooms?