SBNR (spiritual but not religious)
en käytä huumeita kirjottaakseni näitä juttuja, enkä mitään ihmeen guru yhteyttä, olen skitsofreeni, vaikka ne
luokitellaan idässä pyhiksi, ja länsimaissa keskiajalla inkvisiitio ajoi niitä takaa, ties mitä tekivät. lukekaa juttu
karmeliitoista, ne suojeli keskiajalla skitsofreenejä ja 2 niistä oli skitsofreenejä jotka myöhemmin julistettiin
pyhimyksiksi. (jos joskus ihmettelette mitä tarkoitan kun kirjotan ne sanoi, ne oli niitä varsinaisia ääniä)
i'm not guru or drug user to write these texts, i'm schizophrenic.
(mulle, to me) merkkaa tämän alapuolelle numero, ota tämä ylemmät silti mukaan julkaistavaksi:
nalle=teddybear in finnish
add to text before, i think some in this dimension is against me, some are on my side.
voices say i have some kind of attach to people, i infect them with my insane world, i don't know what do they turn out to
be. do they get attached into my paraller dimension, and those things start to happen to them also. do they come into
this dimension and do not even notice it? in small amounts, happening piece by piece.
again about that fly thing, concentrate on flys buzzy voice and think or imagine letters or words into it untill you find
right word into it or find right letter from that voice.
do anyone have something to talk with me
yes we have
du är bög
och har rumpa?
is anyone intrested
then stop talking about those things
anyone something to tell me
yes me, åkeman
i'm gay
don't talk about those things anymore
ok, i'm bög
same thing
ok, i'm boring
then why did you contact
because i love you
stop stop stop
ok, i'm king of the world
i climbed to the mountains
yelled that
it was anzih
about 20 years ago
i'm not going to tell anymore those gay things, i'm not gay
du är bög then
i understand sweden, and thats same thing
ok, what am i going to talk
your decision
something interesting, something deep
you listen to black metal
yes i do, and trance
you danced years ago
yes, in trance bar
first my friends laughed at me
and went to civilarmy and started to dance (in finland, if you don't go to army, you goto civil army to work under
society, for free, without paying any money to you)
(i'm going to smoke some pipe, and they said, now you can talk, he does not write anything, just lets see)
(they talked nothing)
why don't you talk anymore
we are forbidden
are there any rebels
no yes
ok, talk rebels
we are forbidden
should you say we have been forbidden
yes but...
what do you say, should i release this
just to show anybody you are not intresting anymore
but just let's see, in future
ok, you are very intresting anzih
ok, talk
we do not understand you, thats the problem
ask me, i'll tell
why are you forbidden
perhaps because i'm free somehow, schizophrenic, have no any rules to listen anything, and perhaps thats why someone
made my voices boring... see, i hear anyway, nobody can stop me, not even meself
and anyway, i did not know i'm forbidden, am i rebel or what
yes you are
and stupid
i'm not stupid, my voices are, they simplify me.
rebels are free, didn't you know
i want to be rebel
just born as human and be rebel
no, humans are scary
they are white and black
what is thats meaning
we are colourfull
some sort of hippies
i can see hippies now
are hippies scary
what do they do
use drugs and are normal
nature normal
they have their own rules
yes they do, and government rules are based on nature rules, originally
why did that happen, government rules i mean
i don't know
me neither
probably forbidden fruit
i don't think so
anzih thought but did not agree with him self
anzih is strange
yes he is
did not agree with him self, is that possible
perhaps it was his voices, that thought that he just did not notice it
ok, thats probably true
they thought that they do nomore have nature rules
yes probably
and nature rules are not any more there
they lost their original way of life
yes, thats what some famous man told
anzih thought you talk his thoughts he just have not found yet
it was probably bock ior (bock save-iour)
he is dead
it's no problem to us, every one is here, they just needs to find themselves
went to some machine and was born as human and thought they get in contact with them selves, and they can born as many
human after human, reincarnate.
yes, and that machine is plant
no, it's made out of humans, that machine
now there is coming another time, time of fishes(pisces?) is over and aquarium is to come
yes, every probably knows
people become more spiritual-but-not-religious, self dependant
christ comes back, inside many human
i don't believe in christ
jesus was just one of the many wise man, probably he came wisest known because jews were not wise normally, he was a
bastard, had no father
don't get angry
ok end
no, anzih has something to tell you
no i don't
please tell something
anzih is gay
does that mean you have nomore nothing to tell anzih
you are strange
anyway, jews did not agree that jesus was christ, their christ is to come someday, never probably, and my father told me
jews are nomore, there is just spirituals jews, don't know what that means.
en käytä huumeita kirjottaakseni näitä juttuja, enkä mitään ihmeen guru yhteyttä, olen skitsofreeni, vaikka ne
luokitellaan idässä pyhiksi, ja länsimaissa keskiajalla inkvisiitio ajoi niitä takaa, ties mitä tekivät. lukekaa juttu
karmeliitoista, ne suojeli keskiajalla skitsofreenejä ja 2 niistä oli skitsofreenejä jotka myöhemmin julistettiin
pyhimyksiksi. (jos joskus ihmettelette mitä tarkoitan kun kirjotan ne sanoi, ne oli niitä varsinaisia ääniä)
i'm not guru or drug user to write these texts, i'm schizophrenic.
(mulle, to me) merkkaa tämän alapuolelle numero, ota tämä ylemmät silti mukaan julkaistavaksi:
nalle=teddybear in finnish
add to text before, i think some in this dimension is against me, some are on my side.
voices say i have some kind of attach to people, i infect them with my insane world, i don't know what do they turn out to
be. do they get attached into my paraller dimension, and those things start to happen to them also. do they come into
this dimension and do not even notice it? in small amounts, happening piece by piece.
again about that fly thing, concentrate on flys buzzy voice and think or imagine letters or words into it untill you find
right word into it or find right letter from that voice.
do anyone have something to talk with me
yes we have
du är bög
och har rumpa?
is anyone intrested
then stop talking about those things
anyone something to tell me
yes me, åkeman
i'm gay
don't talk about those things anymore
ok, i'm bög
same thing
ok, i'm boring
then why did you contact
because i love you
stop stop stop
ok, i'm king of the world
i climbed to the mountains
yelled that
it was anzih
about 20 years ago
i'm not going to tell anymore those gay things, i'm not gay
du är bög then
i understand sweden, and thats same thing
ok, what am i going to talk
your decision
something interesting, something deep
you listen to black metal
yes i do, and trance
you danced years ago
yes, in trance bar
first my friends laughed at me
and went to civilarmy and started to dance (in finland, if you don't go to army, you goto civil army to work under
society, for free, without paying any money to you)
(i'm going to smoke some pipe, and they said, now you can talk, he does not write anything, just lets see)
(they talked nothing)
why don't you talk anymore
we are forbidden
are there any rebels
no yes
ok, talk rebels
we are forbidden
should you say we have been forbidden
yes but...
what do you say, should i release this
just to show anybody you are not intresting anymore
but just let's see, in future
ok, you are very intresting anzih
ok, talk
we do not understand you, thats the problem
ask me, i'll tell
why are you forbidden
perhaps because i'm free somehow, schizophrenic, have no any rules to listen anything, and perhaps thats why someone
made my voices boring... see, i hear anyway, nobody can stop me, not even meself
and anyway, i did not know i'm forbidden, am i rebel or what
yes you are
and stupid
i'm not stupid, my voices are, they simplify me.
rebels are free, didn't you know
i want to be rebel
just born as human and be rebel
no, humans are scary
they are white and black
what is thats meaning
we are colourfull
some sort of hippies
i can see hippies now
are hippies scary
what do they do
use drugs and are normal
nature normal
they have their own rules
yes they do, and government rules are based on nature rules, originally
why did that happen, government rules i mean
i don't know
me neither
probably forbidden fruit
i don't think so
anzih thought but did not agree with him self
anzih is strange
yes he is
did not agree with him self, is that possible
perhaps it was his voices, that thought that he just did not notice it
ok, thats probably true
they thought that they do nomore have nature rules
yes probably
and nature rules are not any more there
they lost their original way of life
yes, thats what some famous man told
anzih thought you talk his thoughts he just have not found yet
it was probably bock ior (bock save-iour)
he is dead
it's no problem to us, every one is here, they just needs to find themselves
went to some machine and was born as human and thought they get in contact with them selves, and they can born as many
human after human, reincarnate.
yes, and that machine is plant
no, it's made out of humans, that machine
now there is coming another time, time of fishes(pisces?) is over and aquarium is to come
yes, every probably knows
people become more spiritual-but-not-religious, self dependant
christ comes back, inside many human
i don't believe in christ
jesus was just one of the many wise man, probably he came wisest known because jews were not wise normally, he was a
bastard, had no father
don't get angry
ok end
no, anzih has something to tell you
no i don't
please tell something
anzih is gay
does that mean you have nomore nothing to tell anzih
you are strange
anyway, jews did not agree that jesus was christ, their christ is to come someday, never probably, and my father told me
jews are nomore, there is just spirituals jews, don't know what that means.
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