if you never return, you will die

huom, jos luet suoraa mun linkistä jossa on pieniä tekstejä, tuola oikealla on nappi josta saa koko tekstin (lue lisää).

mun toinen blogi:

en käytä huumeita kirjottaakseni näitä juttuja, enkä mitään ihmeen guru yhteyttä, olen skitsofreeni, vaikka ne
luokitellaan idässä pyhiksi, ja länsimaissa keskiajalla inkvisiitio ajoi niitä takaa, ties mitä tekivät. lukekaa juttu
karmeliitoista, ne suojeli keskiajalla skitsofreenejä ja 2 niistä oli skitsofreenejä jotka myöhemmin julistettiin
pyhimyksiksi. (jos joskus ihmettelette mitä tarkoitan kun kirjotan ne sanoi, ne oli niitä varsinaisia ääniä)
(mulle) merkkaa tämän alapuolelle numero, ota tämä ylemmät silti mukaan julkaistavaksi:

ne kertoi että avaruusalus on ihmisen sisällä, tai kai siis saa sen jotenkin sinne.

ok tell me something i allready know
youre gay
no i'm not
you said to your friend, even you like it, you're not necessarily that
i said but i'm not gay
ok, now we understand
and i never had any gay experiences
are you lying

do you want to be transported into our space ship
i dont believe, ok, some part of me does, but i don't believe i'm ready somehow, perhaps because i don't fully believe
ok, at night we will take you
ok, make sure i remember that experience when i wake up
you were transported into this life, but someone ruined it and you have no possibility to return
ok, something like that i believe also
it's completely true
i never have possibility to return?
even when i die
you will never die
ok, when my body brokes up

you said, every time someone dies, his body actually brokes up
yes i did, and there is no natural way to die like that, but when youre too old, they do not examine and says he died

i got dejavu experiences this day, but like i would have seen those from eyes of another person, something to do with
    transportation to spaceship?

most of my life, exspesially young, i waited for something, perhaps because i was transported into this life and someone
    ruined it

i've heard that some people have ability to go away from their own life and never return, and they die.

i do not remember being transported into spaceship

i want to talk to someone but please don't tell me i'm gay
none there
no, none


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

extra sencory, im writing a text, this is small part of it

get contact

are they mushrooms?