huom, jos luet suoraa mun linkistä jossa on pieniä tekstejä, tuola oikealla on nappi josta saa koko tekstin (lue lisää).
mun toinen blogi:
en käytä huumeita kirjottaakseni näitä juttuja, enkä mitään ihmeen guru yhteyttä, olen skitsofreeni, vaikka ne
luokitellaan idässä pyhiksi, ja länsimaissa keskiajalla inkvisiitio ajoi niitä takaa, ties mitä tekivät. lukekaa juttu
karmeliitoista, ne suojeli keskiajalla skitsofreenejä ja 2 niistä oli skitsofreenejä jotka myöhemmin julistettiin
pyhimyksiksi. (jos joskus ihmettelette mitä tarkoitan kun kirjotan ne sanoi, ne oli niitä varsinaisia ääniä)
(mulle) merkkaa tämän alapuolelle numero, ota tämä ylemmät silti mukaan julkaistavaksi:
hey, forest dudes
we are humanoids, humanlike beings (from infected mushroom bands legend of black shawarma album cover)
are you eating soup
yes we are
mushroom soup
yes, its gooood
nuo forest duudit on ny city duudeja, ne kuulemma antoi itsensä niille, käyttöön, tuli vaan mieleen että eikö ne ollu
oikeita ja ihmetteli itteensä ja tarkoitustaan, ei löytänyt sitä, kun vasta ilmestyivät niihin, ja antoivat itsensä pois
jonkun muun käyttöön. mut missäs ne on, ne kuulemma kuristi ne.
hello how are you
who are you
ex forest dudes
well, how're'ya
no way, i cannot believe
anzih is not gay
of course not
whats matter
well, tell me something
nothing to tell
tell anyway
ok, we are gays
no you're not
of course we are
how are you gays
we like guys and like guys
intresting, very
ok not then
tell me please
ok we are not gays then
you are guys
yes we are
intresting, noooot
ok, anzih is strange guy
yes he is, and proud of it
are you strange
yes we are, gays are strange, wrong hole you know
holes you means
ok, what ever
we make anzih not intresting
ok, thats why you tell so strange things
of course
we are going to unmatterize anzihs texts
yes we are
tell something strange if you're strange
anzih is weird gay
he is not actually gay
thats why
yes, thats why
what if we take these texts away, do not release them
no way, please release, please
ok, perhaps
if you tell something strange
what example
something very mystic
we are not mystics
if you tell one mystic thing, what ever, we will release
anzih is in plane and takes lsd
yes, we've heard, that you should not
yes, no you should not
anzih goes into bar alone in south
that is what you should not do neither
yes, no you should not
any way, we do not believe you
anzih ate octopussy also in south
yes he did, it taste like plastic
hehhehhee, plastic
whats the idea to it it then
it's cool to be different than others, not masspeople
worlds spirit you know
yes, how do you know
we read anzih, and other peoples mind
you should not if they do not let you
we do it anyway
are you also schizophrenic
i guess
anzih drinks lactose milk
he farts and stomach goes twisted if he does not
ok, heh
you are actually stupid
guess we do not anymore matter people who reads this text by lenghtening this.
anzih comes here, we have to have clean, party you know.
yes, great party
do you dance
yes, very much
kusipää thinks anzih comes there, strange guy, anzih hates him
hehhehhee, hates, anzih hates nobody, he is schizophrenic, they are scared of those things
no, no end
yes, end?
ok, we will tell something strange
anzih is not gay, he is desexual
asexual that is
end this misery and stupidity, no one is intrested
ok, not then
are you scared
little, tiny bit, of
the end please
ok, we will go away
where, can we follow you if we also get away
hehhehee, no you cannot if you do not see anything inside anzih
ok, we do not, and cannot follow
stupid thing
end by us also
mun toinen blogi:
en käytä huumeita kirjottaakseni näitä juttuja, enkä mitään ihmeen guru yhteyttä, olen skitsofreeni, vaikka ne
luokitellaan idässä pyhiksi, ja länsimaissa keskiajalla inkvisiitio ajoi niitä takaa, ties mitä tekivät. lukekaa juttu
karmeliitoista, ne suojeli keskiajalla skitsofreenejä ja 2 niistä oli skitsofreenejä jotka myöhemmin julistettiin
pyhimyksiksi. (jos joskus ihmettelette mitä tarkoitan kun kirjotan ne sanoi, ne oli niitä varsinaisia ääniä)
(mulle) merkkaa tämän alapuolelle numero, ota tämä ylemmät silti mukaan julkaistavaksi:
hey, forest dudes
we are humanoids, humanlike beings (from infected mushroom bands legend of black shawarma album cover)
are you eating soup
yes we are
mushroom soup
yes, its gooood
nuo forest duudit on ny city duudeja, ne kuulemma antoi itsensä niille, käyttöön, tuli vaan mieleen että eikö ne ollu
oikeita ja ihmetteli itteensä ja tarkoitustaan, ei löytänyt sitä, kun vasta ilmestyivät niihin, ja antoivat itsensä pois
jonkun muun käyttöön. mut missäs ne on, ne kuulemma kuristi ne.
hello how are you
who are you
ex forest dudes
well, how're'ya
no way, i cannot believe
anzih is not gay
of course not
whats matter
well, tell me something
nothing to tell
tell anyway
ok, we are gays
no you're not
of course we are
how are you gays
we like guys and like guys
intresting, very
ok not then
tell me please
ok we are not gays then
you are guys
yes we are
intresting, noooot
ok, anzih is strange guy
yes he is, and proud of it
are you strange
yes we are, gays are strange, wrong hole you know
holes you means
ok, what ever
we make anzih not intresting
ok, thats why you tell so strange things
of course
we are going to unmatterize anzihs texts
yes we are
tell something strange if you're strange
anzih is weird gay
he is not actually gay
thats why
yes, thats why
what if we take these texts away, do not release them
no way, please release, please
ok, perhaps
if you tell something strange
what example
something very mystic
we are not mystics
if you tell one mystic thing, what ever, we will release
anzih is in plane and takes lsd
yes, we've heard, that you should not
yes, no you should not
anzih goes into bar alone in south
that is what you should not do neither
yes, no you should not
any way, we do not believe you
anzih ate octopussy also in south
yes he did, it taste like plastic
hehhehhee, plastic
whats the idea to it it then
it's cool to be different than others, not masspeople
worlds spirit you know
yes, how do you know
we read anzih, and other peoples mind
you should not if they do not let you
we do it anyway
are you also schizophrenic
i guess
anzih drinks lactose milk
he farts and stomach goes twisted if he does not
ok, heh
you are actually stupid
guess we do not anymore matter people who reads this text by lenghtening this.
anzih comes here, we have to have clean, party you know.
yes, great party
do you dance
yes, very much
kusipää thinks anzih comes there, strange guy, anzih hates him
hehhehhee, hates, anzih hates nobody, he is schizophrenic, they are scared of those things
no, no end
yes, end?
ok, we will tell something strange
anzih is not gay, he is desexual
asexual that is
end this misery and stupidity, no one is intrested
ok, not then
are you scared
little, tiny bit, of
the end please
ok, we will go away
where, can we follow you if we also get away
hehhehee, no you cannot if you do not see anything inside anzih
ok, we do not, and cannot follow
stupid thing
end by us also
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