Baron DeWill
huom, jos luet suoraa mun linkistä jossa on pieniä tekstejä, tuola oikealla on nappi josta saa koko tekstin (lue lisää).
mun toinen blogi:
en käytä huumeita kirjottaakseni näitä juttuja, enkä mitään ihmeen guru yhteyttä, olen skitsofreeni, vaikka ne
luokitellaan idässä pyhiksi, ja länsimaissa keskiajalla inkvisiitio ajoi niitä takaa, ties mitä tekivät. lukekaa juttu
karmeliitoista, ne suojeli keskiajalla skitsofreenejä ja 2 niistä oli skitsofreenejä jotka myöhemmin julistettiin
pyhimyksiksi. (jos joskus ihmettelette mitä tarkoitan kun kirjotan ne sanoi, ne oli niitä varsinaisia ääniä)
(mulle) merkkaa tämän alapuolelle numero, ota tämä ylemmät silti mukaan julkaistavaksi:
isn't it gollom, from jrr tolkiens book
its gollom and his charachters from book ain't no alive
aren't his charachters based on reality
yes, but most of them aren't from (finnish) mythology
negatiivinen energia on kuin hikeä jota irtoaa tietyn mielen tilaisesta ihmisestä (kun jotkut kasvit puhdistavat sitä
ilmasta, siitä siis irtoaa jotain ainesta joka tuhoaa sen) ehkä esineiden pikkuriikkisiin osiin, atomeihin? jää energiaa.
ok, where am i
schools bathroom
what are you doing
someone comes from behind
dark shadow
he cuts you from behind
i'll kick him
he fell
are you peeing on the floor
you are in prison
you probably did something evil
cages are in bathroom
why are you screaming
have no idea
reaping his shirt off
strong body you have
...weird conversation, stupid.
baron DeWill howre doing
anzih here
i remember you while ago
actually 10 years ago
don't write it down
yes i do
i'm pissed off
nobody likes me
why not
my sexual orientation
are you gay
anzih is not gay
i don't need only gay guy friends
don't you have any gay friend
i'm ugly or something
aren't gays ugly losers
they are great dudes
don't you like woman
no, i'm pissed off by pussy
my mother hit and all when i was young
and you started to hate womans
i hate only pussy
ok, tell something weird or stuff, intresting
i don't remember anything
remember when anzih thought this is reality
all the real things happened here
what kind of things
i don't know, horoscope, tarot, chakra, karma
all right, wonderfull
what do you think, baron DeWill
there exists no such thing ass baron DeWill
then why do i exist
perhaps you're illusion of anzih
where do you live
all i get is scotland yard
tell something weird, interesting
ok, india is pervert
i'm a sexual disease
what disease
nobody likes me
they like you as much as sexual disease
yes, like i would be one
don't you have sexual disease
of course not
perhaps anzih removes this, is not going to release if you aren't interesting
so what, just do it
no i will not, sometimes these are not interesting
ok baron DeWill, tell something weird
yes i'm weird!!!
tell something about it
i'm a weird, i'm a creep, i'm a loser
all this reminds me off is radiohead bands creep, sentenced played it, and beck bands i'm a loser
i'm a loser babe so why don't you kill me
anzih told he cannot officially like it, his 'friends' are so weird they would perhaps killed him
yes, thats what they told him as they were drunk, and his friends never were drunk. thats what they said, anzih does not
with drugs you can remove drunk state, thats what they told.
humanoids, why do we have 10 fingers
its logicalest, we copied it from far away from land where beings somehow did developed on their own, and copied it
everywhere, we thought it is logicalest because it developed on its own
you mean evolution, some of the scientists no more believes it and does not know, you develop us sometimes
yes we do, but are not willing to tell about evolution
we would not understand?
no, you do not have enough words for science
ok (silence because i do not understand)
great machines you have here
yes, they used to be something we are not willing to tell, we call them fictive machine
what if we give you something
ok, they are anti-christian machines
what do you give us?
here, take this, and investigate it
great, i allready know what this is
ok, what
(silence because i do not understand)
we call it antichristian machine origineller
no, it's humanoid machine, we stole it
no, we did not, we who gave it to you
somehow somebody stole it from you
no problem, i have copy, perhaps we can trade
ok, you take copy, we want original
this does not work
yes it works, you have not enough states of mind, your ancestors used to have this
is this flying saucer
yes, sort of, it's engine, but you can do lot's of else things too
levitate things?
how do i levitate things
you have to use your mind
why can i not use mind to levitate things
sure you can, but this is easier, fast way, no evolution needed
are you all gone now
no, but we don't have anything to tell
anyway, you don't probably get away
no you do not, i did it, you have to teach us how to leave this poor man alone
ouh, that weird dude long ago
what has he done
arrived in us life and told we are weird
probably dangerous
well, i don't know, we used to kill each other
no, go away
are you gone
yes they are gone, huhhuh
mun toinen blogi:
en käytä huumeita kirjottaakseni näitä juttuja, enkä mitään ihmeen guru yhteyttä, olen skitsofreeni, vaikka ne
luokitellaan idässä pyhiksi, ja länsimaissa keskiajalla inkvisiitio ajoi niitä takaa, ties mitä tekivät. lukekaa juttu
karmeliitoista, ne suojeli keskiajalla skitsofreenejä ja 2 niistä oli skitsofreenejä jotka myöhemmin julistettiin
pyhimyksiksi. (jos joskus ihmettelette mitä tarkoitan kun kirjotan ne sanoi, ne oli niitä varsinaisia ääniä)
(mulle) merkkaa tämän alapuolelle numero, ota tämä ylemmät silti mukaan julkaistavaksi:
isn't it gollom, from jrr tolkiens book
its gollom and his charachters from book ain't no alive
aren't his charachters based on reality
yes, but most of them aren't from (finnish) mythology
negatiivinen energia on kuin hikeä jota irtoaa tietyn mielen tilaisesta ihmisestä (kun jotkut kasvit puhdistavat sitä
ilmasta, siitä siis irtoaa jotain ainesta joka tuhoaa sen) ehkä esineiden pikkuriikkisiin osiin, atomeihin? jää energiaa.
ok, where am i
schools bathroom
what are you doing
someone comes from behind
dark shadow
he cuts you from behind
i'll kick him
he fell
are you peeing on the floor
you are in prison
you probably did something evil
cages are in bathroom
why are you screaming
have no idea
reaping his shirt off
strong body you have
...weird conversation, stupid.
baron DeWill howre doing
anzih here
i remember you while ago
actually 10 years ago
don't write it down
yes i do
i'm pissed off
nobody likes me
why not
my sexual orientation
are you gay
anzih is not gay
i don't need only gay guy friends
don't you have any gay friend
i'm ugly or something
aren't gays ugly losers
they are great dudes
don't you like woman
no, i'm pissed off by pussy
my mother hit and all when i was young
and you started to hate womans
i hate only pussy
ok, tell something weird or stuff, intresting
i don't remember anything
remember when anzih thought this is reality
all the real things happened here
what kind of things
i don't know, horoscope, tarot, chakra, karma
all right, wonderfull
what do you think, baron DeWill
there exists no such thing ass baron DeWill
then why do i exist
perhaps you're illusion of anzih
where do you live
all i get is scotland yard
tell something weird, interesting
ok, india is pervert
i'm a sexual disease
what disease
nobody likes me
they like you as much as sexual disease
yes, like i would be one
don't you have sexual disease
of course not
perhaps anzih removes this, is not going to release if you aren't interesting
so what, just do it
no i will not, sometimes these are not interesting
ok baron DeWill, tell something weird
yes i'm weird!!!
tell something about it
i'm a weird, i'm a creep, i'm a loser
all this reminds me off is radiohead bands creep, sentenced played it, and beck bands i'm a loser
i'm a loser babe so why don't you kill me
anzih told he cannot officially like it, his 'friends' are so weird they would perhaps killed him
yes, thats what they told him as they were drunk, and his friends never were drunk. thats what they said, anzih does not
with drugs you can remove drunk state, thats what they told.
humanoids, why do we have 10 fingers
its logicalest, we copied it from far away from land where beings somehow did developed on their own, and copied it
everywhere, we thought it is logicalest because it developed on its own
you mean evolution, some of the scientists no more believes it and does not know, you develop us sometimes
yes we do, but are not willing to tell about evolution
we would not understand?
no, you do not have enough words for science
ok (silence because i do not understand)
great machines you have here
yes, they used to be something we are not willing to tell, we call them fictive machine
what if we give you something
ok, they are anti-christian machines
what do you give us?
here, take this, and investigate it
great, i allready know what this is
ok, what
(silence because i do not understand)
we call it antichristian machine origineller
no, it's humanoid machine, we stole it
no, we did not, we who gave it to you
somehow somebody stole it from you
no problem, i have copy, perhaps we can trade
ok, you take copy, we want original
this does not work
yes it works, you have not enough states of mind, your ancestors used to have this
is this flying saucer
yes, sort of, it's engine, but you can do lot's of else things too
levitate things?
how do i levitate things
you have to use your mind
why can i not use mind to levitate things
sure you can, but this is easier, fast way, no evolution needed
are you all gone now
no, but we don't have anything to tell
anyway, you don't probably get away
no you do not, i did it, you have to teach us how to leave this poor man alone
ouh, that weird dude long ago
what has he done
arrived in us life and told we are weird
probably dangerous
well, i don't know, we used to kill each other
no, go away
are you gone
yes they are gone, huhhuh
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