mad scientist uses lsd
huom, jos luet suoraa mun linkistä jossa on pieniä tekstejä, tuola oikealla on nappi josta saa koko tekstin (lue lisää).
mun toinen blogi:
en käytä huumeita kirjottaakseni näitä juttuja, enkä mitään ihmeen guru yhteyttä, olen skitsofreeni, vaikka ne
luokitellaan idässä pyhiksi, ja länsimaissa keskiajalla inkvisiitio ajoi niitä takaa, ties mitä tekivät. lukekaa juttu
karmeliitoista, ne suojeli keskiajalla skitsofreenejä ja 2 niistä oli skitsofreenejä jotka myöhemmin julistettiin
pyhimyksiksi. (jos joskus ihmettelette mitä tarkoitan kun kirjotan ne sanoi, ne oli niitä varsinaisia ääniä)
(mulle) merkkaa tämän alapuolelle numero, ota tämä ylemmät silti mukaan julkaistavaksi:
tuli pikajuttelu humanoidien kanssa, niiden lapset kasvatetaan laboratoriossa ja luonto on niiden laboratorio. kun ne
saastui jostain, ydinsaasteista(?). eikä voineet enää saada lapsia. ne elää myös pitempään kuin ihmiset.
jos luit edellisen, ja sait psyykkaus osiosta jotain, voit ruveta harrastamaan improvisaatio/extempore runoutta
kirjota niitä mitä mielessäsi on runon muotoon, tarina alkaa elämään itsestään.
-äiti, voinko mä tehdä kärpäsestä härkäsen
mitä kuuluu
kuta miiluu
mikäs mikäs
perseen reikä
mitäs se sielä
on vaan
entäs sitten
ollaan hiljaa
anzih on kotona
entäs sitten
no ei mitään
ollaanko kotona
ei meillä ole kotia
entäs sitten
mad scienties
what are you talking about
what is that
who are you
mad scientist
what, how are you doing
i'm fine thanks
having holiday
what are you doing
having some nightmares
with you, because of you
tell me some insane scientist things
i'm investing these brains
what are you doing to those, them
having nightmares
i like them seeing nightmares
because i like it
i just like it
you are insane
that's what is my name
what are they seeing
what kind of nightmares
insane scientist nightmares
but what kind of
burning in hell
i just like it
it's wonderfull
what are they seeing in hell
yes data
do you take it
no, i laugh at them
what kind of data
computer data
what are they doing with to it
insane stuff
are they insane
yes, i'm here where anzih lives
what are you doing there
i like insane people
what are they doing or something to you
insane stuff
but what kind of
insane, don't you get it
but what
insane stuff
this one is seeing -
why didn't he write it
it's his personal thing, it's nones matter
ok, what else
this one is seeing -
do you investigate them like doctor
no, i'm not a doctor
tell something non personal stuff
ok, this is not crazy
what is he
shaman in mental hospital, sounds crazy
yes, it's crazy, modern times you know
what are you doing to them
insane stuff
do you make them scared
no, none of these are scared
is anzih
yes, sometimes, you just don't accept it
so, we shold
yes you should
he would not be scared again
ok, i don't believe
anzih neither
ok, don't accept it, it changes nothing
how old are you
as old as time
forever, eternal, through eternal old
yes, you could say that
you go through times
yes i do
some times im in old times, sometimes in future
do you decide
yes i decide sometimes, usually
what are you doing
change peoples habit
how do you make them true
i just do
you change but how do you make it true
through lsd pills
you use drugs
yes i do
i would not be otherwise in this space ship
when did you born
old times, then god choosed me
to be what
to be his assistant
but you rebelled
no, ok, yes, a little, you should not say that to him, it, what ever do you understand him, it, her (how ever?)
ok, tell something to end
i'm gods chosen
where did you choose you
to be the one
to do what
insane people, help them
to help them
is it possible
in some cases yes
how about anzih
no, he is impossible case
ok, the end?
ok, the end.
anzih is god, worship him. how ever do you worship.
mun toinen blogi:
en käytä huumeita kirjottaakseni näitä juttuja, enkä mitään ihmeen guru yhteyttä, olen skitsofreeni, vaikka ne
luokitellaan idässä pyhiksi, ja länsimaissa keskiajalla inkvisiitio ajoi niitä takaa, ties mitä tekivät. lukekaa juttu
karmeliitoista, ne suojeli keskiajalla skitsofreenejä ja 2 niistä oli skitsofreenejä jotka myöhemmin julistettiin
pyhimyksiksi. (jos joskus ihmettelette mitä tarkoitan kun kirjotan ne sanoi, ne oli niitä varsinaisia ääniä)
(mulle) merkkaa tämän alapuolelle numero, ota tämä ylemmät silti mukaan julkaistavaksi:
tuli pikajuttelu humanoidien kanssa, niiden lapset kasvatetaan laboratoriossa ja luonto on niiden laboratorio. kun ne
saastui jostain, ydinsaasteista(?). eikä voineet enää saada lapsia. ne elää myös pitempään kuin ihmiset.
jos luit edellisen, ja sait psyykkaus osiosta jotain, voit ruveta harrastamaan improvisaatio/extempore runoutta
kirjota niitä mitä mielessäsi on runon muotoon, tarina alkaa elämään itsestään.
-äiti, voinko mä tehdä kärpäsestä härkäsen
mitä kuuluu
kuta miiluu
mikäs mikäs
perseen reikä
mitäs se sielä
on vaan
entäs sitten
ollaan hiljaa
anzih on kotona
entäs sitten
no ei mitään
ollaanko kotona
ei meillä ole kotia
entäs sitten
mad scienties
what are you talking about
what is that
who are you
mad scientist
what, how are you doing
i'm fine thanks
having holiday
what are you doing
having some nightmares
with you, because of you
tell me some insane scientist things
i'm investing these brains
what are you doing to those, them
having nightmares
i like them seeing nightmares
because i like it
i just like it
you are insane
that's what is my name
what are they seeing
what kind of nightmares
insane scientist nightmares
but what kind of
burning in hell
i just like it
it's wonderfull
what are they seeing in hell
yes data
do you take it
no, i laugh at them
what kind of data
computer data
what are they doing with to it
insane stuff
are they insane
yes, i'm here where anzih lives
what are you doing there
i like insane people
what are they doing or something to you
insane stuff
but what kind of
insane, don't you get it
but what
insane stuff
this one is seeing -
why didn't he write it
it's his personal thing, it's nones matter
ok, what else
this one is seeing -
do you investigate them like doctor
no, i'm not a doctor
tell something non personal stuff
ok, this is not crazy
what is he
shaman in mental hospital, sounds crazy
yes, it's crazy, modern times you know
what are you doing to them
insane stuff
do you make them scared
no, none of these are scared
is anzih
yes, sometimes, you just don't accept it
so, we shold
yes you should
he would not be scared again
ok, i don't believe
anzih neither
ok, don't accept it, it changes nothing
how old are you
as old as time
forever, eternal, through eternal old
yes, you could say that
you go through times
yes i do
some times im in old times, sometimes in future
do you decide
yes i decide sometimes, usually
what are you doing
change peoples habit
how do you make them true
i just do
you change but how do you make it true
through lsd pills
you use drugs
yes i do
i would not be otherwise in this space ship
when did you born
old times, then god choosed me
to be what
to be his assistant
but you rebelled
no, ok, yes, a little, you should not say that to him, it, what ever do you understand him, it, her (how ever?)
ok, tell something to end
i'm gods chosen
where did you choose you
to be the one
to do what
insane people, help them
to help them
is it possible
in some cases yes
how about anzih
no, he is impossible case
ok, the end?
ok, the end.
anzih is god, worship him. how ever do you worship.
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