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mun toinen blogi (suomeksi):
another blog of mine (finnish):

i'm not guru or drug user to write these texts, i'm schizophrenic. schizophrenia is gift in european india, or they are
holy. in middle ages they were after schiphrenic until(?) carmelites(i'm not sure) protected schizophrenic because 2 of
them were schizophrenic (and i think that those times were not known mental diseaces, makes it strange.) and later they
were told to be holy. i told european india that none of you mix that land and people as american india.

(mulle, to me) merkkaa tämän alapuolelle numero, ota tämä ylemmät silti mukaan julkaistavaksi: aloita kirjoittaminen
myöhemmin tästä. kopioi & liitä silti ylhäältä.
start reading/writing frome here:

who wants to talk with me
me imbecillius
youre insane
mentally ill
ok, what then, so what
i'll quit
i'll quit too
just go everyone away, can you please
no way
yes way
ok, i cannot go away
why not
i'm imbecillius
hehhehhee, strange name you have
so what, its official word
is it

i'll have to talk with you a word
ok, what
youre insane
why, how
you do insane things
what example
strange stuff
like write these texts
that is littlest thing
what example
you are bög
och har rumpa
that is you are gay and you have ass
no, not true, i have ass but i do not like it
can i cut it off
it's impossible
have you tried
we have no nothing, legs hands arms anything
no body
no, that is true
you have voice
some of us have need to talk
but you just spoke
none of us talked all the time
hehhehhee,nooo, not reallllyyyy
you write about those things on your another blog
but that is in finnish.

is it possible to talk with animals
yes and no
they who are in heaven, been human in last life
they have possibility to talk
you mean in sky, space
well, you can say it that way too, and yes, they have possibility to talk
what are they
no, really what
sky creatures
some of them, some of them angels
svans example
perhaps, you can say most of them
has someone better and easiest way to go to space, horoscope planets perhaps
i don't know about horoscopes
does other beings in sky space have horoscopes
yes not
you are so physical creatures in earth
what you are that way
easy way to heaven, birth right
they do not need to do anything to be in space
do you have some other possibilities, like play with time and dimensions
that is what we need to do
you anzih have no enough understandment to understand
simple we are no physical creatures
but you have body
no, we are dead people
ok, you are not humanoids
some of us, some times
its so easy
is there something wrong with us humans
you need belief in things to go get to heaven sky space
ok, what if we do not belief
its all about your microcosmos
humans only
we have naturally some sort of belief
into what
sky daddy hehhehheee
no, sky creatures
what are they
our version of your horoscope, you would not understand
where is that your version of horoscope
in space
but where
in our sky
in your sungdome
there where you have your sun and your planets
perhaps, we never thought of that
so you did not know
yes we did, you just mixed us
where is your space ships are from
they are human humanoids
so where do you live
in sungdome
whos, i mean where
in our own sungdome
what is it like
a paradise we would call it
are you religious
no, that is curse, to us
what happends if you believe
we get birth as humans
so you do not need to believe
yes like we told
you do not need to
you could say we allready live in heaven sky space
do you have any problems
we are so advanced that it goes immediately away
you have answer to anything
what do you do all the time
not your problem
so you have problems
no, we have problems as our natural birth place where we all are one and from there comes many beings
into our planets too
yes, there comes births into your planet too
so you solve problems of humans
yes, too, and our advanced problems
can you say example, of your problems i mean
have you heard about paraller dimensions
they try to attack to us, by conquering some one from there
what do you understand of evil
there is very evil people
who example
i cannot say, they attack on me
and do what
curse me
and what happends
can you put youself on pause as anzih goes to smoke some pipe
hehhehhee... what
there is place called infinity
you mix there with another beings, souls what ever
there is thing called soul liquid
i get away from there after a while
does something come into your, life
yes and no
i do not need anything so not
anzih has worries so he needs to rest
ok, i would of liked to talk with you more, ok bye
perhaps a little later so keep your self on line
online, heh, i'm not laughing
ok, no, i like to get go where i am
so where are you now
anzih, you made something very wrong, you mixed us
it's not my problem
yes it is
how and are you able to solve it
you made contact with our good willing beings
what is wrong with it
you mixed us
ok, good bye
no good bye, we need to solve your head your soul place what we do not know
so you solve my schizophrenia
what is that
something i can quess is normal to you, hear peoples voice in my head ears
but they are fictive
they are from your trip or childhood
ok, can you take them away
we would take something away that is your birth right
but they are stupid
they are too simpleminded
and don't know why... we are
am i on paraller dimension
no, i think, part of you is, i just thinked that with your thing you do not have name to
what do others have name to it
just anything
from childhood
yes, most of them, some of them are too stupid to understand that thing you have natural understantment
anzih goes to eat so pause

what is time
you have seasons so you call your place have time
and our sun changes place in one day
yes i guess that too
there is night and day
something in it is going to change in days coming near you
we are not supposed to say, or even investigate
is there something other sacred here too
yes, all of your space things
not space things, something else that we do not know.
something to talk about
ok, not then
i'll go away
we too, lets everyone go away
my schizophrenic voices
yes, us
(mumbling)we cannot everyone go away
now silent you all scumbfolk


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

extra sencory, im writing a text, this is small part of it

get contact

are they mushrooms?