mostly addon to text before
in english down there somewhere
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mun toinen blogi (finnish):
en käytä huumeita kirjottaakseni näitä juttuja, enkä mitään ihmeen guru yhteyttä, olen skitsofreeni, vaikka ne
luokitellaan idässä pyhiksi, ja länsimaissa keskiajalla inkvisiitio ajoi niitä takaa, ties mitä tekivät. lukekaa juttu
karmeliitoista, ne suojeli keskiajalla skitsofreenejä ja 2 niistä oli skitsofreenejä jotka myöhemmin julistettiin
pyhimyksiksi. (jos joskus ihmettelette mitä tarkoitan kun kirjotan ne sanoi, ne oli niitä varsinaisia ääniä)
i'm not guru or drug user to write these texts, i'm schizophrenic.
(mulle, to me) merkkaa tämän alapuolelle numero, ota tämä ylemmät silti mukaan julkaistavaksi:
are all beings many man, own, race, own dimension
how do we get into other beings dimension
they let you in
how about we, voices
you attached, conquered this poor mans, anzihs dimension
are we imprisoned
ok, that was fun
even humanoids laughed
no, ok, yes they did, i believe
away again, this was to be written in last times text.
their properties can be copied from onemandimensions to other onemansdimension and be connected
how about angels, like mikael
they are being copied
are they alive
of course
we don't know, even our knowledge is not enough to understand, something to do with speed of light
if you teleport, do you have problems with speed of light, if you are copied to other galaxy
yes we have, then we are the light.
do you get immediately there, i wanted to ask
we do not understand
we do not understand your word immediately
ok, instantly
no, i think, don't know
do you have to wait
we don't know
do you lose any time
we do not understand time
ok, you fools
no we are not, if you can go past future then how can there be time
is it ours, humans problem
i think so
ok, i think you go into other galaxy, you go into future
other galaxys future
no, time stands still
we go and see speed of light same time
does clock stay still
thats funny
so time _really_ stays a put, or something, cannot speak english perfectly
does there not exist clock that stays in that time
no, i think, even we cannot build that kind of clock
so then we cannot understand you that way
its funny, if i can say, because we understand, you are like children questioning simple thigs.
are you making fun of us
no, we just do not understand you
then why did you say we are stupid and laughed
no, like children
are children funny
somesort of, most of children coming to next life from your, peoples dimension, reincarnated here to humanoids from earth
are you laughing to children
what if you come to earth
if they are being done something wrong, against the laws of nature(stars)
then they are being called star children, they understand these things we understand, but they can be putten into deeper
into this human dimension, someone who does not like them, or abuse him.
what if star children dies
he is here again
being born from begin
so you understand, no, from their 'time' they did something wrong
thats famous story here at earth, if you die, you awake
thats crazy thing
you did not know we understand
yes whoo, you understand something.
tell something about doing against naturestarlaws
they are rules that work, how things work
why is it doing against
ok, they do something sort of it is not supposed to
is it doing accidently or wanting to do against
most of them accidently
why do they do against on purpose
to help their earthly manymansdimension selves
you dont do it because you are evil
some of them are being teased as a child and they start to listen to metal
are they now listening trance
just hope, probably something to do with new humans, or modern humans, we cannot explain because we do not understand
do you investigate
yes you are
no we are not
do some of them want to be here at earth
they find something interesting and bring it to them here to stars
does one man has one star
or humanoids
no and yes
if you copy properties of another man, he is you
some of you said man is star
yes you used to have
as animals
yes animals
when we come clever, you have star
you wanted to say when human comes clever he is star
ok, that was funny accident
is that kind of thing to go wrong and you born as human
yes, we understand
did some of you born as human because of that accident
nothing said anymore
copied beings can come to check that things are okay here, at your paraller dimension you or somewhere
it has nothing to do with you what i do, it's between me and creator, or me and me, or me and opposed being, human mostly
about those public phones, who is their administrator who ever
post offices
and post offices are all over, almost everywhere?
why not keeper (administrator? or from whom you buy internet service) of internet
it did not fit them, too simple things to be made
this time without god is going to be really short one, as we experienced, scientists find god, if they are good scientists
or they find something that relates to it, like happened to some humanoids in their beginning time of spirituality.
some of them are being called dark side humanoids. but all of them are not being called selves that way. some of
spirituality believers are also abusers of power spiritual, dark side and some of them who are being called darkside
believers are actually real spiritual believers, no matter how strange this sounds.
if some of you are going to have or has allready voices, if you are worried in that state of mind (what ever) think like
i do, they are only voices, not real, in the beginning i had to silene and do everything that voices cannot get my
memories, and at last doctors (who ever) told me, they are not real, only voices. but they still get my memories, most
painfull ones. but if they are not real, think that nobody in the world is not going to hear these things, choises i had
in the past. i don't know to whom i speak when i interview these things, because i get ideas i've never heard, some of
them are from my memories, like that telephone teleport, it was in matrix, but i realized it later. some of them seems
to know me better than meself. but that telephone teleport had some new things that was not in the movie. now days i
chill out, i'm not interested what they speak, no one hears. i am really forgivin man, i forgive them about the things
they do, i mean speak only, like they told. there is one 'problem' i have, voices are boring. i don't know should i be
scared to get interesting speeches. and there is one other thing, it seems sometimes that they change my past, the same
way i have them now, strange, do they only speak what speaked to me in the past and talk things and try to scare me?
i have strange memories, schizophrenic? i have lost my memories and then i 'wake up' in middle of strange happenings.
everyone out of this dimension does not like this dimension where we live, it has many painfull things, forget self and
possibility to lose everything.
huom, jos luet suoraa mun linkistä jossa on pieniä tekstejä, tuola oikealla on nappi josta saa koko tekstin (lue lisää).
if you read from texts direct from link, you do not see all, press 'lue lisää' on the right to view more.
mun toinen blogi (finnish):
en käytä huumeita kirjottaakseni näitä juttuja, enkä mitään ihmeen guru yhteyttä, olen skitsofreeni, vaikka ne
luokitellaan idässä pyhiksi, ja länsimaissa keskiajalla inkvisiitio ajoi niitä takaa, ties mitä tekivät. lukekaa juttu
karmeliitoista, ne suojeli keskiajalla skitsofreenejä ja 2 niistä oli skitsofreenejä jotka myöhemmin julistettiin
pyhimyksiksi. (jos joskus ihmettelette mitä tarkoitan kun kirjotan ne sanoi, ne oli niitä varsinaisia ääniä)
i'm not guru or drug user to write these texts, i'm schizophrenic.
(mulle, to me) merkkaa tämän alapuolelle numero, ota tämä ylemmät silti mukaan julkaistavaksi:
are all beings many man, own, race, own dimension
how do we get into other beings dimension
they let you in
how about we, voices
you attached, conquered this poor mans, anzihs dimension
are we imprisoned
ok, that was fun
even humanoids laughed
no, ok, yes they did, i believe
away again, this was to be written in last times text.
their properties can be copied from onemandimensions to other onemansdimension and be connected
how about angels, like mikael
they are being copied
are they alive
of course
we don't know, even our knowledge is not enough to understand, something to do with speed of light
if you teleport, do you have problems with speed of light, if you are copied to other galaxy
yes we have, then we are the light.
do you get immediately there, i wanted to ask
we do not understand
we do not understand your word immediately
ok, instantly
no, i think, don't know
do you have to wait
we don't know
do you lose any time
we do not understand time
ok, you fools
no we are not, if you can go past future then how can there be time
is it ours, humans problem
i think so
ok, i think you go into other galaxy, you go into future
other galaxys future
no, time stands still
we go and see speed of light same time
does clock stay still
thats funny
so time _really_ stays a put, or something, cannot speak english perfectly
does there not exist clock that stays in that time
no, i think, even we cannot build that kind of clock
so then we cannot understand you that way
its funny, if i can say, because we understand, you are like children questioning simple thigs.
are you making fun of us
no, we just do not understand you
then why did you say we are stupid and laughed
no, like children
are children funny
somesort of, most of children coming to next life from your, peoples dimension, reincarnated here to humanoids from earth
are you laughing to children
what if you come to earth
if they are being done something wrong, against the laws of nature(stars)
then they are being called star children, they understand these things we understand, but they can be putten into deeper
into this human dimension, someone who does not like them, or abuse him.
what if star children dies
he is here again
being born from begin
so you understand, no, from their 'time' they did something wrong
thats famous story here at earth, if you die, you awake
thats crazy thing
you did not know we understand
yes whoo, you understand something.
tell something about doing against naturestarlaws
they are rules that work, how things work
why is it doing against
ok, they do something sort of it is not supposed to
is it doing accidently or wanting to do against
most of them accidently
why do they do against on purpose
to help their earthly manymansdimension selves
you dont do it because you are evil
some of them are being teased as a child and they start to listen to metal
are they now listening trance
just hope, probably something to do with new humans, or modern humans, we cannot explain because we do not understand
do you investigate
yes you are
no we are not
do some of them want to be here at earth
they find something interesting and bring it to them here to stars
does one man has one star
or humanoids
no and yes
if you copy properties of another man, he is you
some of you said man is star
yes you used to have
as animals
yes animals
when we come clever, you have star
you wanted to say when human comes clever he is star
ok, that was funny accident
is that kind of thing to go wrong and you born as human
yes, we understand
did some of you born as human because of that accident
nothing said anymore
copied beings can come to check that things are okay here, at your paraller dimension you or somewhere
it has nothing to do with you what i do, it's between me and creator, or me and me, or me and opposed being, human mostly
about those public phones, who is their administrator who ever
post offices
and post offices are all over, almost everywhere?
why not keeper (administrator? or from whom you buy internet service) of internet
it did not fit them, too simple things to be made
this time without god is going to be really short one, as we experienced, scientists find god, if they are good scientists
or they find something that relates to it, like happened to some humanoids in their beginning time of spirituality.
some of them are being called dark side humanoids. but all of them are not being called selves that way. some of
spirituality believers are also abusers of power spiritual, dark side and some of them who are being called darkside
believers are actually real spiritual believers, no matter how strange this sounds.
if some of you are going to have or has allready voices, if you are worried in that state of mind (what ever) think like
i do, they are only voices, not real, in the beginning i had to silene and do everything that voices cannot get my
memories, and at last doctors (who ever) told me, they are not real, only voices. but they still get my memories, most
painfull ones. but if they are not real, think that nobody in the world is not going to hear these things, choises i had
in the past. i don't know to whom i speak when i interview these things, because i get ideas i've never heard, some of
them are from my memories, like that telephone teleport, it was in matrix, but i realized it later. some of them seems
to know me better than meself. but that telephone teleport had some new things that was not in the movie. now days i
chill out, i'm not interested what they speak, no one hears. i am really forgivin man, i forgive them about the things
they do, i mean speak only, like they told. there is one 'problem' i have, voices are boring. i don't know should i be
scared to get interesting speeches. and there is one other thing, it seems sometimes that they change my past, the same
way i have them now, strange, do they only speak what speaked to me in the past and talk things and try to scare me?
i have strange memories, schizophrenic? i have lost my memories and then i 'wake up' in middle of strange happenings.
everyone out of this dimension does not like this dimension where we live, it has many painfull things, forget self and
possibility to lose everything.
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