talking to celt about us

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mun toinen blogi:

en käytä huumeita kirjottaakseni näitä juttuja, enkä mitään ihmeen guru yhteyttä, olen skitsofreeni, vaikka ne
luokitellaan idässä pyhiksi, ja länsimaissa keskiajalla inkvisiitio ajoi niitä takaa, ties mitä tekivät. lukekaa juttu
karmeliitoista, ne suojeli keskiajalla skitsofreenejä ja 2 niistä oli skitsofreenejä jotka myöhemmin julistettiin
pyhimyksiksi. (jos joskus ihmettelette mitä tarkoitan kun kirjotan ne sanoi, ne oli niitä varsinaisia ääniä)
(mulle) merkkaa tämän alapuolelle numero, ota tämä ylemmät silti mukaan julkaistavaksi:

look for 'schizophrenia art' from google to find schizophrenic art.

i got new medicine, akineton, it was originally parkinson medicine, it helps to another diseaces too, it works against
flyagaric, amanita muscaria (fly mushroom in finnish), and nicotine.

i want to talk to someone
ok, me, öööö
me, medicine man
here's not any medicine man
anzih cannot talk to us

i want to talk to anzih, me celtic man
about what
about celts
ok, talk
anzih is not celt
so what
ok, talk celt
i want to talk to anzih only, not anyone else, go away
it's impossible
yes it is
or make us disappear with some magic trick, we would be pleased
ok, here i go
are you druid actually
i'm actually celt druid
yes we know, they worked together
ate amanita and went to war, to encourage their battle will
ok, what did you do, or still do, if you're from past
yes we are from past, we know what year is it for you
it's impossible, you have not same time calculation system as we now have
so what, we can know it, just calculate, what year is it for us(you) when we existed
you should not put words in my mouth
i have to make clear it to people who read this
do you speak celt language or english
saxo mannen
grrman thats in english, we just adjusted it alittle bit
what a nice name, are they angry
they drink beer
where is it
south, down from england, or celtic land
tell something interesting
anzih allready knows about stonehenge and halloween, or what was it's name for you
yes, time calculator, in future humans have timecalculator with them
halloween is when people came from dead to meet you
how do you know
we have now knowmans who investigate
we do not know what is investigate
same as you who made stonehenge
what do they do
try to know about past, and other things
isn't it
are you celts interested, you should have too
we do not need that kind of information
you can know about things you're interested
about space
what is that
that thing there up the sky
can you tell me about it
there is lots of space, rock balls
pause for awhile, i get my medicine
in your future people can go there with fireflying machines, you cannot breath there
you need wings like bird if you can fly at earths sky, above that, there is space
whats in space, rock balls we call plan-et's
wait a minute, i have to go to smoke some pipe
what is that
put firey smoke in somewhere where you can suck that smoke from tiny long hole, coal like fire
ok, we will make it
whats the idea
it gets you crazy or something, if you choose right things to suck
like mushrooms
yes, they need only to dry first
now, lets trade some information, your turn
you don't know all from us, whats the idea of your so called scientists
they investigate but don't know everything
what example
how did you build stonehenge
with airy sounds
yes, hertzs we call
same voice all the time untill it has been moved
yes, you don't do that in future
no, we have machines to move things
what kind of machines
iron machines that moves with... something, you would not understand
like you would not understand futures humans, noids things
hehhehh, well, you can say it like that
they tell you but you do not understand
yes, we probably have no enough words
what is word
we speak with it, language is different kind of same word
every where there is different lands where people speak with different languages
ok, celts, what kind of is this thing we live on
how about whole thing
we don't know
well, we know, and it's round
what kind of is moon
round, space is filled with round rock balls
those shiny things
they are like that our sun
i'll go to tell that to druids
now it's your turn
did you take some muchrooms to talk to us
no, you just came to me to tell those incredible things
ok, i ask from druids what can they tell to us, you
no, thats a smame to us to tell to strangers about us
yes but we have to trade some information
don't you fool understand, it's a shame
sorry, i cannot tell about nothing to you
ok, end?
sorry but this is the end of our conversation
can we talk to anzih only, he has drug dicease
what kind of
he hears voices and he does not need to
what a strange diseace
someone tells we are bad spirits
no youre not
what are we
insane spirits
you know what is insane
we go to insane if we drink something
no, something strange
like alcohol, beer that is, or mushrooms
anything like that
so we are drunk
yes you are
do you eat cannabis, we smoke it
woa, i'll try to smoke something
you need to suck that air to inside your mouth
that happened fast, i'll go to tell to druids
you fool, we should not know what we selve do not know
ok, sorry
you should be
now stop this foolishness
ok, go away
ok, if we can, just tell us how do you go
shaman gets my soul from the dead land
is that druids
somesort of
quit now, i'm scared
end of this foolishness


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

extra sencory, im writing a text, this is small part of it

get contact

are they mushrooms?